Elaine + Nick
When you’ve been photographing a family for this long, it’s tough to keep things fresh and find new places around the Des Moines Metro that they’ve never been to. But, cue the World Food Prize and we had it made with Nick, Elaine, Carson & Brecker!
It is crazy to me that at this time next summer, we’ll be photographing Carson’s SENIOR photos! Mind boggling when my first session with this family had Carson in a wrapped gift box under the Christmas tree….
My two challenges with this sweet family include: keep Nick from squinting (which means I need a whole lotta shade) and find something for the boys to climb and then hang from. Not only did we accomplish those missions, but we were able to create some stellar compositions that I’m pretty proud of. Keep your eyes peeled for Carson’s senior photos next summer and we’ll see you back here soon!
PS You can view all of our time together HERE.