Sydney : Class of 2022
Oh, we laughed so much at this session! Even MY cheeks were sore by the end of the night. Sydney’s mom, Jodi is a teacher in my school district and we shared stories about how our school year was, laughed at our forgetfulness and commiserated on the loss of our fathers-all in a senior session evening! Sydney, in her quiet way, showed her pristine eye for color, texture, composition & we featured her amazing artwork in Norwalk that will be just a smattering of her legacy beyond her graduation in 2022. She has contributed to two huge murals in Norwalk, so we documented those, headed towards Valley Junction for some eclectic opportunities and then ended with the most gorgeous night in the sunflowers. Enjoy!
The jury is still out as to if someone lives here or not, but it’s right on a cemetery, so we assumed it was an unused church. As we were pulling away, we saw garbage bins that made us rethink that assumption….whoopsy! Again, jury is still out…But, jury is NOT out on just how much Sydney KILLED it in this series with these windows. My jaw hit the grass.
Sydney: You are a treasure and a joy. I hope I’ve been able to serve you in a fraction of the way your artistry has served me. Thank you for your eyes, your skills and talent. I know you will put that incredible brain of your’s to use as you study agricultural engineering beyond high school. Please educate ME as you go - I need to learn that stuff!
All the best,
PS You can view the rest of Sydney’s favorites HERE.