Laura + Eric : Quad Cities Family Session
I’m so thankful that when this family knew they needed to move, they did so to a place I have familial connection! My in-laws live in the Quad Cities and Laura nailed a job interview for a Davenport high school where she is the perfect fit for their choral program and student body. In college, I knew Laura to be a no-holds-barred type of woman, who shot you straight, didn’t mince words and would be loyal till the day she died if you were her friend. I’m so glad she’s remained in my circle despite moving hundreds of miles away!
So, naturally, when it came time for us to visit my in-laws, I shot her a text and said, “Let’s do this!” We met at Vanderveer Park in Davenport and used a few little alcoves in their botanical garden area that were shaded prior to the heat & humidity of the day became suffocating.
Oh these smiles warm my heart in ways that would take too long to detail here….
You can follow this family’s story on their Facebook page, where Laura details the hilarity and heart-wrenching of parents who have a child with special needs. Catherine is battling PANDAS and today’s photo session showed me such growth since I’d last seen her two summers ago. To the point where I wouldn’t know of her struggles if I had just met their family-such a victory!! This twirly girl ate up the camera and I so desperately wished I could’ve given her a bug hug and a high 5-I was SO proud of her: (PS she did her own make up for our session!)
The whole fam-bam and a few of just the boys:
Laura & Eric: Gerard & I are in awe of you and laugh/cry along with each of your posts in your day-to-day adventures. I’m thankful we get to keep your family in our lives, even if in a small way, and know we are right alongside you as we face the tsunami of whatever this school year will look like! :)
In your corner,
PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE.