Sean + Miriam
Every year they come back for more! Sean & Miriam were my first paying clients and I cannot believe that their oldest will be a junior this fall! HOW?! Miriam has faithfully been by our family's side when we needed helping hands the most and this photo session felt particularly special because Miriam recently lost her Mom. For those reasons and more, I wanted to focus mainly on Miriam and Sean-he's always so good to me, giving me great candid moments and loving on Miriam in sweet ways. We visited with each other more than we photographed and by the time I was driving home, I felt like my heart had been encouraged and uplifted with their sense of humor and wisdom in this season of their lives. Like a spur-of-the-moment counseling session!
See what I mean?
Joe has lost most of his baby chub and even Gerard commented on how much he's grown and how old he looks!
Thank you guys for always supporting me in this business, but more importantly, helping our family when we needed it the most. I'm so thankful that our kids love you and for your long-suffering with Laidy's stubbornness in not putting her face in the water. We'll get it this year, I can feeeeeeeel it!
God bless you!
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.