Sebastian: Senior
The King in several arenas, Sebastian is probably ready to lead the world, or at least the world's most powerful nation, in some shape or fashion. He is one of those leaders that every teacher loves having in their classroom and is disappointed to see graduate. Homecoming King, King in the madrigal and Class President (that can be considered a "king" right?), Sebastian's resume has filled up nicely during his high school career and any college he's applied to would be lucky to have him join their ranks.
We started with the "business attire" and then got to the more relaxed looks that he had in mind:

Sebastian gets a lot of his leadership cues from his parents, I'm sure. His mom manages several buildings in downtown Des Moines. While they were renovating these spaces to make them into apartments, they found some amazing artifacts from that particular buildings' former life and incorporated them into the decor. Here's one such spot under the spotlight, and then we took it up a notch to the roof access:

It's wonderful when you have roof access with the ease of a key with this amazing view as we were quickly losing light:

Sebastian: Thank you for being such a great student, leader and contributor to society. I had a wonderful time exploring your moms buildings with you guys and we successfully even used the stairwell that we got locked into! Your ability to improvise on the spot and go with what you're dealt tells me you'll be successful wherever you choose to attend college.
Blessings in the remainder of your senior year. I can with certainty say that Norwalk's music department will miss you greatly,
--Carrie (Mrs. Krupke)
PS You can view the rest of our session together HERE.