JB + Andrea

Gerard & I have lived in Norwalk since we were married in 2007 and by 2008, Andrea was my general physician. Gerard was struck with an ailment that I can't remember and Andrea was the only doc with an available appointment. It took just that one appointment for him to switch doctors as well. Add Adelaide to the mix and Andrea takes care of our entire family, leading us through parenthood and what to expect in the next stage with great humor and a healthy dose of reality. (no pun intended....:) ) 

So, imagine my sense of enthusiasm when Andrea's husband, JB, contacted me to take their family's photos. I could finally, in some small way, serve her family in return. 

I'm in awe of people that run for fun and Andrea & JB both ran the Des Moines half marathon. These two don't mess around! And neither do their kiddos. I have the pleasure of teaching Abby on a weekly basis and she entertains me probably far more than I actually end up educating. Born to take care of others, she is coming quite close to being the clarinet section's Mother Hen in the best way possible. She also does a great job of getting little bro, Carson, to give a genuine smile. :)

A few last ones of the whole family....

JB + Andrea: Thank you so much for trusting me on the fly to take your family's photos! I'm so glad we were able to squeeze it in last minute and before the seriously cold weather hit. Thank you for braving the frost of that morning and for grinning like it was in the 70s. :) Also, thank you for taking such great care of our family and our health. It means the world.



PS You can view more of our session together HERE.