Tim + Jessica
July of 2006, it felt like we were old friends even though we'd just met. I was dating a friend of her's from high school and Jessica was so open and honest that I knew I could be myself around her. I've been married to her friend for seven years now and I am so thankful that Gerard introduced me to Jessica, not just because I get to photograph her darling family, but because she really has such a soft, compassionate, heart for those that come in to her life.
I can't fail to mention her other half, Tim, who has helped grow their family from 2 darling girls to now, FOUR awesome kiddos. For their family session, we started with their posse, including freshly added Quinn. I also have to mention the lone male: Colton. We may not have had a ton of smiles from him that day, but the hilarious expressions he did toss my way completely incapsulates his personality.

Tim & Jessica were so fabulous and willing to go exploring. We met in a gravel lot near a bike trail, not knowing how long of a walk it'd be to our destination. Tim & Jessica didn't sweat it and off we went. :)
I absolutely love how London holds onto Colton's suspenders to keep him near his sisters. What a hilarious dude! He even has a signature walk and grimace. :)

Tim + Jessica,
Thank you so much for being willingly adventurous and for the mile trek to the bridge! Never sure how that will go over with a family of six, but you guys did great and I'm so pleased with the results. I love photographing your family, but I love your family (period) very, very much. We'll see you in December!
PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE.