Tim + Nancy
I've had the pleasure of photographing two of their children's families on a regular basis and one of their daughters-in-law purchased a family session for Tim & Nancy as a gift. They helped start our church's location in Windsor Heights the year I was born and have been faithful in serving and laying their lives down for the sheep they shepherd. Together, they have 8 biological children and a few years ago, adopted two brothers through the foster care system.
A little before the adoption happened, Tim was driving through West Des Moines on his way to a separate event. He subsequently got lost on his way to the event and found himself driving through parts of West Des Moines that tugged on his heart. "How do we reach these people for the Gospel?" Then, he drove by this campground and saw the For Sale sign in the yard. It was no consequence that he got lost that night. Needless to say, he never made it that event, but posed the idea of purchasing the campground to his fellow pastors. SOLD. Our church has owned this campground for maybe 5 years now and it was only fitting that we have their family session here.
We started with the lovely Jordan House in the background as it borders the camp's grounds and I love the simple fenceline and the lovely trees turning colors on the hill.

Gerard and I are constantly thankful for the wonderful parenting examples that are around us on a regular basis. Connor and James were so helpful and well behaved the entire time I was with them. (It didn't hurt that we had nerf guns waiting for them at the end, but nevertheless!) :)

I love these expressions on these two young lovebirds:

Tim + Nancy: Thank you so much for squeezing this session into your full schedules. I'm glad we were able to get it to work out and at such a lovely time of the fall! Hopefully, you enjoy the photos and it helps to document this stage of your family's life.
Many blessings and thank you for your service to our church family!
PS You can view more of our time together (complete with Nancy wielding a nerf gun!) HERE.