Melissa + Kevin
I've lost track how many times I've photographed this family, but I know for sure it started when Jaxon was 2 and could run almost twice as fast as me. Now, he's a big, protective brother to Amelia and was a fabulous helper during our session most recently. Amelia must really look up to her older brother, because it was her turn to run from pillar to post and we snagged some candids in between. I include a lot of photos during this session because the "outtakes" are just as endearing as the more posed opportunities and encapsulate Amelia's vivacious personality.

Amelia was literally running circles around her family and we kept them in place while she made passes at each family member-between mom and dad (above), circled to me and back to grab a smile from Jaxon....

After getting the larger family group, we worked to get Jaxon and Amelia together. Melissa and Kevin aptly call this their Circus and it's quite an adorable one if I do say so myself:

I don't even remember what got the tears flowing. Maybe she needed more bribery, I mean, goldfish.

Melissa + Kevin: I love photographing your family. Thank you so much for the privilege of watching your children grow up-they are hilarious to document and I love the chase. I look forward to our next session together and seeing how much Amelia has grown and how Jaxon has improved even further on his protection of her. :)
PS You can view the remainder of our session HERE.