Esther + Joel

My first interactions with Esther left a strong impression that she was a woman who knew what she wanted and didn't mince words about it, in a good way. I knew she was a world changer and that kind of person only marries a fellow world changer to be by her side. Together, she and Joel are shaping the world one foster child at a time. I'll explain more in a moment...

At their last session, Joel + Esther had a foster child in their care and we were only able to post individual photos of their biological children for the foster child's protection. This year, I'm so happy to report that Dexter has become an official member of their family through adoption and we are free to post whatever we please about him! He's a ham and a rambunctious addition. The girls dote on him and Miles enjoys the male company (I think....). :) 

A last few of the Downtown skyline.... the sky was wonderfully perfect for this view!

Joel + Esther: Thank you so much for coming back again and again to have your family photos taken. It's a great example and blessing to me to watch your family grow through foster care and adoption. Dexter (and future foster children) are so lucky to have you and the foster system is better because you're in it. Thank you for allowing me to document your family!



PS I usually post a link here to the client gallery, but because Joel & Esther have another foster child in their care and that child was in some of this session's photos, we are keeping the gallery locked and password protected. Thank you for your understanding!