Elaine + Nick :: Carson + Brecker

It's that time of year when you hear the drumline practicing as you get ready for work in the morning. The clicks and the taps and the booms get your heart revved up as you drive into work and you know it must be fall because the marching bands are out. For this family, this time of year means that their children turn another year older: Carson in August and Brecker in October. Quite literally, bookending the official start and end of marching season in the band department, though sometimes, I think Nick might feel like it actually goes really close to year-round.

And somewhere in the midst of drumline harnesses, uniform zippers, and fluffy plumes, we squeezed in their family photos:

As if Carson couldn't look Ivy League material any more than he already does, turning 5 meant that he got glasses! How studious does this kiddo look? Seriously, he looks ready for Harvard.

Brecker is in the in-between stage of walking a few steps, but still being more comfortable on his bum. He turns one next month, so I'm sure it will be the other way around by then!

Carson is such a great older brother and helps Brecker out whenever asked. Elaine has done such a fantastic job with these two little men!

Just a few of the two that started it all:

Nick is one proud papa-the most natural smiles I got out of him during our session were these, when he was with his sons:

Nick & Elaine-Thank you so much for a great time and for going with the flow of a large event happening in our session location. You guys are such a great asset to the music education community and together, your lives affect hundreds of students every year. Your boys are so fortunate to have you both!

Many blessings,


PS You can view the remainder of our session time



Families, ChildCarrie KrupkeComment