Chris + Bethany
We found out about this little girl's existence the night before we discovered Lochlyn existed. Born 8 weeks apart, it's been so precious to watch Violet's parents become parents and go along this journey with them! Personally, I don't have many friends from high school I keep in touch with, so for Gerard to have Violet's Daddy, Chris, a mere 15 minute drive away, often makes me jealous. Then, I remember, that Gerard's friends are my friends and we are doubly blessed. It feels like I've known them forever anyway. Heck, I've even shared a bed with Violet's Mama while we were all out in California for another friend's wedding before Chris + Bethany were married. Maybe that's why I feel like I know them so well.... ;) Anyway, I digress...Violet is now ONE and we had to take photos to celebrate!!
When your Mama can sew masterpieces, you know you will grow up with lots of photos with you in bonnets. Seriously, could a little girl in a Flyer red wagon be any cuter or more fit for Little House on the Prairie?!?! (Special thanks to this family for letting us borrow their wagon!)
As if reading my mind, Bethany brought along a children's version of Little House on the Prairie and Violet LOVES "reading"!! While Violet was the main event for this session, I couldn't resist photographing how her parents dote on her:
Chris + Bethany: You guys are the best and we love you very very much! Thankful to be doing this wild ride with you both and get to watch Loch and Vivy grow together!
Blessings and see you for dinner soon!
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.