Tim + Ioala : A Des Moines Art Center Family Session for Out-Of-Towners
There were moments during this family session that I had to pause and soak it in for a split second. And then I had to keep talking because the staring was probably getting awkward! This session impressed upon me the importance and value of maintaining friendships, the blessings that social media can provide, and just how amazing it is to watch people grow up! I credit most of my writing abilities for this blog to the outstanding English Dept. I had the esteemed privilege to learn from in high school. Each year, my English teachers pushed me in my writing, my parents and sister would edit and disprove my thesis at home, and I’d come back a better writer the next day.
Mrs. Holmes, Ioala, was the English teacher that saw me through my junior year of really hard classes - lots of Honors and AP on my schedule - and the sadness of 9.11.01. My senior year, I was her TA and got to watch her joy in teaching on a closer level and an even larger bonus: babysitting her son, Collin. Little Dude was 3, going on 4 and a ball of (intelligent) energy. Always ready with a mischievous glint in his eye, it never felt like work getting to spend time with him. I babysat so often for Mr. & Mrs. Holmes that it paid my way through my senior prom! Cambria came along after I graduated, but Mrs. Holmes and I always stayed in touch.
Fast forward - Collin has graduated college and is now serving as a fireman in Michigan, engaged to be married next year! And Cambria is attending Iowa State. So, your’s truly from SoCal got to photograph her high school teacher’s family in my proverbial backyard while they were all visiting family in Des Moines! Can you see why I was pinching myself!?
“Little Dude” is now comfortably over 6ft tall and rocking the mustache with fiancee, Hope. Aren’t they adorable!?
Because Mrs. Holmes always referred to Mr. Holmes as “Mr. Holmes” when she was teaching, so do I. But you can probably call him Tim. ;) I also relied on Cambria to tell me whether or not we were near any poison ivy along our walking trail since she’s become an expert in the flora & fauna of the midwest in her studies at ISU. Phew! We were thankfully, in the clear.
I had to get a few of just Collin & Cambria together. I still can’t believe that the adorable 3 year old I got to hang out with bested the best in the pool playing water polo and is now administering CPR on a roof, delivering babies and putting out fires, seeing people through their hardest days. I see these photos and I still see the same 3 year old grin (minus the mustache)! And Cambria - your eyelashes are the envy of everyone. I can’t wait for the perfect opportunity for you to come babysit our kids!
Mrs. Holmes - Thank you so much for your support of my family and my small business. What an honor and absolute JOY it was to serve your family in this way. Thank you for your impact on students like me through your teaching, your encouragement to me as a mom, and for raising amazing humans that are contributing so positively to the communities around them.
All the best,
PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE.