Class of 2021 : Gavin
This young man is probably one of the smoothest transitioning move-ins to our band program I have ever encountered. His ability matched exactly what our ensemble needed at the time on the exact instrument we needed more of! Hardly ever do those logistics & needs match skill set so beautifully! Gavin has a few other passions that we highlighted on his senior session on this particular evening & I’m so glad we got to try some new things for me to shoot. (Are you noticing a pattern this summer? Guys + new things = amazing session results!)
We started in his slick suit and highlighted a few spots downtown that hinted at his growing love of architecture and engineering:
Then we had some fun with his skateboard in a couple different locations. Poor guy really broke a sweat doing this, but he tapped into his “why” and he put in 100% for some great shots!
I love ho Gavin can rock a serious expression AND he’s got a smile that stretches the width of his face to light up his eyes so bright. His default is smiling so much that it was split seconds that I would nab an image with a smirk or serious facial-he did AWESOME!
Gavin-I want to know where you go in life because I know you are going to do amazing things. I want to be a cheerleader from the sidelines & root for your every success. Thank you so much for investing in our efforts so whole-heartedly. I hope you enjoy the results of your labor in these images!
All the best & Be Well!
PS You can view the rest of our favorites HERE.