Christie + Jeremy
One of the things we were most excited about when we moved last year was not only the floor plan and nearness to work, but who else lived on our street! We asked Jeremy what it was like to live on Parkhill Drive and he said, “The biggest problem with Parkhill is not knowing if it’s one word or two.” One street sign has it Park Hill and the other has it as Parkhill. :) We’ve thoroughly enjoyed having this family closer and how our children have gained more friends as a result. You might recognize their oldest, Madi, as being my first senior of this season-yet again, the Class of 2020 is going to be really tough to say goodbye to!
I think the thing I love so much about this family is how much they laugh! Their photo session is always full of laughter, jokes, a little bit of teasing to garner a chuckle from whomever is in front of the camera. What a joy to spend time in laughter!
Christie + Jeremy: Thank you for a wonderful morning and for your continued support of my business over all these years. It truly is something special to have friends a short walk away on a street where the most challenging thing is how to spell the street name! ;)
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.