Reasons to Do Your Senior Session Before the Fall
1. We always think that senior year will be lighter in course load, activities etc. But it's actually just the opposite! Let's do your photos when you aren't stressed, the weather is warm and you're well rested!
2. You will have your photos in time for Senior Ad features (many performing arts have these features in their programs to pass out at concerts etc). Usually these are requested in the fall and many scramble to come up with a decent photo. Let's give the Senior Features the best image of you as your parents congratulate you!
3. Flexibility in weather if rescheduling needed-once we get to the fall, the weather can snap cold quickly or we could fight rain and we don't have a lot of options left before snow fall to reschedule. If do photos in the summer, we have ample time if weather causes us to reschedule (heat, rain etc)
4. Flexibility in MY schedule to suit your needs. As a teacher during the school year, my weekday evenings are limited and weekends are juggling my husband's schedule with his choir director duties. It's a tighter fit, and it can be done, but if lots of flexibility in scheduling is what you need, summer is your time!!
5. Plenty of time to shop for your outfits/shoes. Need I say more? :)
6. Flexibility in scheduling of your hair/makeup artist. If you are using one, wiggle room in your timeframe is always helpful here. :)
7. Facilities we may want to use are more available. I've had several requests for use of a school's auditorium or stadium facilities and we can maneuver around practices or performances because we can shoot during "off season" or "off times".
These are just a few reasons to consider when scheduling your senior session(s). Ultimately, do what's best for you and your family-I'm happy to come alongside to be a part of the fun!!