Mattie + John

I first met Mattie when she returned from maternity leave to my daughter's preschool and she was always so sweet to my daughter and gentle in her directing Laidy to the right choices. In my opinion, she made the right choice in having me take her family's photos! ;) We gathered on the lawn of the capitol for a fall mini session and the time span was perfect for Henry's age. :)

Henry is of the age that he just wants to wiggle, move and RUN. So that's exactly what we let him do and we documented the age and stage. :) 

Oh, and what 18month old doesn't like to swing? :) 

Mattie + John-Thank you so much for having me! I hope you enjoyed our time together and enjoy your time at home (full time) with Henry! He's a sweetie and lucky to have you both.

Blessings in this transition, 


PS You can view more of our time together HERE