A Mommy Is...

I can cut a baby's fingernails while nursing.

I can put a puzzle together without a picture to know the finished product.

My teeth are an extra appendage while holding a newborn.

My kisses heal owies.

I can kill spiders with my bare hands.

I'm a favorite because I can do "Anna & Elsa" braids. 

My nail polish is enviable and copied profusely.

I know where just about everything is in this house. Including Itty-Bitty Baby Doll. (Hint: it's under the pillow on the couch downstairs by her blanket.)

I can maintain conversational engagement with you while listening to the mischief my child is getting into in the room next door. 

I'm a Mom. If you're a Mom or have taken care of children for any stretch of time and are reading this, you get it. You'll also feel a pang of sadness with me while I mourn the end of my maternity leave. It's been a beautiful time and one that I will forever cherish.

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