Ellie : 9 months
No one would've guessed by her newborn session that Ms. Ellie would be this happy, nay, ecstatic in front of the camera. Needless to say though, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. :) Steph, Andy, Ellie and I met on Des Moines' riverwalk bridge for a great view of downtown, with only occasional odd smells breezing by. (Side note: why do rivers smell weird?!) :)
Ellie is such a little ham and Daddy knows all the tricks to get even more giggles out of her-including running at the camera with a galloping lope...But for this session, we focused more on Steph and Ellie, since last session we did more of Andy and Ellie.
We then put Ellie in the stroller and focused on just Andy & Steph since they desperately needed to update their own photos together. #existinphotos :)
Not to be outdone, Ellie continued to be the star of the show:
Ellie's mama is so fit and walks/runs all the time, so it was fitting to mark Ellie's 9 month "pulling up on furniture" stage by having her pull up on the stroller. :)
Andy + Steph: You two are just awesome. Thank you so much for coming back again and again for these milestones and entrusting your family's memories to me! You are doing fabulously with Ellie and she's such a joy. :)
I'll see you in the fall!!!
PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE.