Alecia + Gavin

You never know what you're going to get when a new student walks into the band room from another school. This past school year seems to have been the year for clarinets to transfer into our district and we truly lucked out with each of them. Evelyn's cheery disposition and willingness to work hard was a joy to be around on a weekly basis. I interacted with her older brother in rehearsals on occasion and enjoyed watching him grow in the percussion section and catch on to the whole new world of marching too. So, when their mom contacted me to photograph their family, I knew I was in for a treat.

Enter Alecia and Gavin (and their youngest Lily):

Just a few of the three amigos and their two cousins who were on hand (Alecia had a special project in mind that's top secret, so if I released it to the interwebs, we'd have a problem.)

And a few last ones of the five of them! 

Alecia + Gavin: Thank you so much for having me! It's always a pleasure to gain new friends/clients and knowing I'm serving a military family in some small way is just the cherry on top of the proverbial ice cream sundae. Thank you for your service to our country and I'm so glad that you duties have brought you to Iowa! (Though I'm still somewhat confused on two things-1. how the Navy serves in a landlocked state and 2. why someone would transfer from Air Force to the Navy....*tisk, tisk*) ;) We may have to continue the debate, Gavin, on which is the "better blue"!


PS You can view the rest of our time together HERE