Amelia + Jaxon
I'm not sure I'll ever forget Jaxon's first photo session with me-it was all running and a complete cardio workout! Thankfully, things have slowed a bit for him and his sister, Amelia, just wants to snuggle Mama Melissa these days. Enter a new partner in life, Ryan, and you've got a pretty happy and content family of four!
Oh the sweetness of a mama with her little girl!
I loved just letting Amelia roll in the grass and be happy on a hot summer day. That's the epitome of summer: rolling in grass and lolling in the shade. :) Giving the kiddos a break, we highlighted Melissa and Ryan for a brief moment and as always, the kiddos wanted to get back in the action:
Melissa + Ryan: Thank you so much for coming back again and again! I wish you nothing but the best this summer and beyond. And I promise to be in better running shape next time you see me with a camera! ;)
PS You can view the remainder of our time together HERE.