Charlie : 2yrs

I first met this family on the ground of Central College Campus last year among the hundreds of tulips waving in the breeze. Michael + Heidi met and fell in love there, so it seemed fitting to have their son's One Year session where it all began. This time around for Charlie's second birthday, after a long car ride to get to Ewing Park, it seemed perfectly fitting to let him run to his heart's content among the blades of grass vigorously waving in the strong breezes of the afternoon. A two-year old must get the wiggles out and Charlie did a fabulous job sitting enough seconds for me to nab a few family photos too.

But first, those baby toes!

A few quick of family posed and the rest were candid, snuggles and tickles. 

A last few because Charlie was up for flying in the wind himself for a a little bit: 

Heidi + Michael: Thank you so much for making the trek to the Des Moines area for this time together! It's a wonderful feeling to not just have a returning client, but to watch Charlie grow before my eyes. So much difference a year makes!! 



PS You can view our the rest of our time together HERE