Randi + Ben
Ben & Randi are spunky parents that I admire. Adventurous yet firm in boundaries, when you work for a County Jail, a two year old's tantrums can run towards the comical side of the spectrum and definitely not sway you. On a gorgeous spring afternoon after work, Randi, Ben & Logan rendez vous'd with me at our state's capitol and we took a different spin on it than I normally do. Call me adventurous... :)
As long as Logan had his trucks in hand, he was a pretty happy camper:
But even with them in hand, something came across his radar that just wasn't cool. I don't even remember what it was, but Randi told me to go ahead and shoot it, just to remember the tantrum stage. A "behind the scenes" look if you will. While we let him blow off some emotions, I photographed downtown Des Moines and some candids with Ben.
Now, back to the fun of being TWO!
Randi + Ben: Your relaxed demeanors and flexibility are so appreciated! Not just as clients, but as fellow parents in the trenches with Gerard & me. I can't believe it's been two years since you (Randi) first called me (while I was on a pumping break at work no less!) to schedule Logan's newborn photo session. TWO YEARS! Logan's a blast to work with, including his alligator tears, and I hope to see you all in front of my camera again soon!
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.