Brandon + Sarah
It really is so fun to be parenting alongside several of my families that I have the pleasure of photographing. In between poses or places, we trade parenting joys, frustrations and ideas. Brandon & Sarah are one such family with lovely Miss Claire and we had a beautiful morning to start our time together...Claire is quite the craftswoman when it comes to the art of blowing bubbles. Well done my dear!
What child doesn't like getting air time like this!?
The morning was really quite beautiful for a wonderful family!!
I particularly love the last photo for the simple reason of Sarah's smile in it. Because seeing your child and Daddy hug is one of the sweetest feelings ever (especially at the end of a good photo session!). At 2 years of age, it really is the candid photos that help tell the story and show the stage of life Miss Claire is in currently.
Sarah + Brandon,
Thank you both for coming back for another round of photos! I had a wonderful time with you and am so grateful to be getting to know you more each time you're with my camera. What a lovely morning and a beautiful little girl you have in Claire. I'm honored to photograph your family!
PS You can view the rest of their session HERE.