Logan:One Year
With the weather we're having lately, it's hard to place myself back in the blizzard-like conditions that we encountered for Logan's 1-year session. As the storm was brewing, we sneaked in a few outdoor photos because the wind was howling (soon Logan was too) and it took me roughly twice the time it normally takes to get home. But, for the shots that we got, the white-knuckling was totally worth it.

We went back inside and got a few candids of what life is like with Randi, Ben and Logan...playing, eating at the table and general cuddly moments too.

Randi + Ben: Thank you so much for your laid back approach to your photos every time I've seen you guys. It's so fun to catch the candids between the three of you and Logan is a hoot! I'm fairly certain you are the first family I've photographed in a snow event and I appreciate your flexibility to get it done!
PS You can view more of our session together HERE.