Glen + Jill

There is such a tender place in my heart for these girls of Glen & Jill's. I will never forget the day that Jill told me that after tons of prayer and hard work through adoption, a birth mom had selected them to be parents of not just her baby, but her baby twin girls. As they parked the car and almost ran across the street to greet me, I couldn't help but feel so protective of them, ensuring they crossed the street safely and then finished the run into my arms for a big bear hug. We started our session with the "safe and traditional" family photo and then had some real fun with my camera. :)

Jill, your blue eyes kill me every time!! And I love that your girls have baby blues to boot!

Of course, we do the family walking photos, but then Glen had the girls charge at me. I couldn't have been happier with the results: 

Glen & Jill: Thank you so much for coming back again and again. It warms my heart to see the girls growing up into such sweet young ladies and still be as rambunctious as ever. I smile at their future and can only imagine what power-houses for positive change they will be when they hit the world/ground running as adults. 


PS You can view the remainder of our session HERE