Behind the Scenes of 2014
Seeing the finished product, I sometimes chuckle at what it takes to get there. Parents wholly committed to jumping jacks behind me to get their child to laugh, the silliest of faces, children throwing balls at me so that they'd look my way....the list goes on and on, but I love when we get a few behind the scenes photos to show you (and potential clients) that this is what the Magic looks like in real life. ;)
Most of the time, at some point in the session, I let the kiddos run and blow off some steam. Sometimes, it meant letting Soren roll down the hill and his loving mom, in a strapless dress, joined him (as did Mickey!)!

Additionally, I sometimes take silly photos to then show my little friend what it takes to take a photo and that they're totally allowed to be silly! :)
At a few newborn shoots this year, I photographed the second born in these two different families and I adored the responses of the older siblings. We had finished a few shots of Lydia with her sweet baby brother and her dad sent me a few phone shots of Lydia playing Baby Photographer with her own baby dolls-complete with posing pillow and blankies!

With the next one, we practiced with Natalie and she was great with it! Her little brother? Not so much...

And sometimes, the parents take the brunt of the force that is their children...all while looking stellar and classy...

Sometimes I laugh at the faces I capture in camera. I'm thankful that sometimes, I manage to say something funny to get a child to laugh and sometimes, it's just too darn can see-their-footprints-in-the-dew cold.

And if my witty quips aren't enough, we resort to throwing balls at my camera so that kiddos look my way:
In addition to my wonderful family clients, I had the distinct pleasure of photographing some sweet friends' nuptials. And I had amazing second shooters that were my literal right hand men and women. And sometimes, I was my brides' helper too. :)

I was sometimes known to channel my inner flight attendant and direct my brides to their First Looks. My flight attendant mom would be so proud. ;)

And at the end of a long day of shooting, whether a wedding or several family sessions in a row, sometimes, I curl up in a little corner and just mind my own business for a moment. :)
A very special thanks to my incredible second shooters and friends that helped me out this year: Sarah Franzyck, Austin Day, & Colby Campbell, my supportive husband for watching Laidy while I'm off gallivanting or editing at home, and my amazing clients that have so graciously welcomed me into their lives and become friends in my ever widening circle. I love what I do already, but holy cow, I have the best clients/friends on earth that make life even better!
Blessings in your New Year,