You first met them here and I eagerly awaited the text or Facebook status that would let me know that he had made his grand entrance. Due just two days beyond their first anniversary, he arrived as a just-slightly-early present and I couldn't be more pleased to share his newborn photos with you today.
Leah was a gracious new mama, finishing a feeding as I arrived and started to rearrang some furniture. We kept him swaddled the large majority of the time and he seemed quite content to stay that way. So, we figured, "Why mess with what's working?" with a few additional shots thrown in. :)

Generally, I start with a baby on their back for a few images, then ease them onto their side and gradually onto their tummy if they're comfortable with that. Some babies won't have it, but Colton was putty in my hands. There were several times where I was working with him and turned to Leah and Brian, who were chatting with each other across the room, to tell them, "Look at your son! He's doing amazing." They'd stop mid-sentence and just gaze at him in awe. Every baby is an incredible miracle.

We were even so bold as to try to bring his feet up near his shoulders. I'll admit, this was the first time I've attempted this with a client and eventually Colton let me know it wasn't the greatest position for him to be in. So, we moved into some family photos....

I'll end with my favorite shot of the session:
Leah & Brian: Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home, totally trusting me to work with Colton and rearranging some furniture for me! You guys are great and I so appreciate your kindness and easy-going demeanors.
Praying you are able to get some good sleep!! You're doing beautifully,
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.