As I've gotten to know Andrea, I think of "calm", "collected", and "focused". She's a girl that knows what she wants but she's so gentle in going about getting it. Co-writer for EverAfterBlueprint, she has an incredible eye for interior color, design and projects that have inspired improvement in my own home time and time again. So, when Andrea and her husband, Adam, have an adorable baby and ask me to photograph him, I shake in my boots as I know she has very specific things in mind and I hope to nail her expectations to the wall, much like her newest framed art piece. :)

After a series of sneezes (above) and some great eye contact, we moved into their guest bedroom/craft room that is now Emerson's bedroom and I couldn't help but flash back to when I photographed Emerson as a newborn. Now, he's the big brother to Foster and was a great helper for his little brother's session. While Foster needed a feeding every now and then, I photographed some of Emerson too....

When Foster had a full tank, we got back to featuring him and Andrea:

We added Adam to the mix while Emerson was playing with his trucks in the family room. Shortly, Emerson realized that he was alone and wanted to join the party. :)
The one directly above might be my favorite of the session. These of Adam and his new son are close second:

Andrea + Adam: Congratulations you guys! Emerson is such a great big brother and so fun to be around, I'm sure Foster will follow in his footsteps well. He was cooperative and did such a good job for the camera. Thank you for having me again! I hope these meet or exceed your expectations!
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.