Tami + Ryan
Tami first contacted me last fall to do a session and I was unfortunately completely booked. She patiently waited until spring and then until summer when her kiddos schedules were more open. Photographing a new family, I never know how things will go. When I saw Tami and her family pull up, I realized I never even had asked her how old her children were! Her husband Ryan, her daughter, Noelle and son, Tyler climbed out of the car and I loved that I was photographing older kiddos! When Tyler said he was "almost 10", I had to ask when his birthday was... "in 6 months" he non-chalantly replied. :) Being a middle school teacher myself, middle school aged students have a special place in my heart.
Here's what we captured of this wonderful family:
"Other than cell phone photos, when was the last time you can honestly say you had your portrait taken?" I asked Tami & Ryan that question and they couldn't quite put a date to it. They were good sports about being put on the spot and now they have updated photos of their family and just the two of them. I love making a point to document just Husband and Wife, because that's what they were before becoming Mom and Dad.
Tami commented that perhaps her family wasn't the "candid photo" type. I totally beg to differ!!
Tami & Ryan: Thank you so much for calling me, waiting for almost a YEAR for the right moment to document your family at this point in your lives. I appreciate your patience and trust in my abilities-that it'd be worth the wait. I look forward to the next time we meet up with my camera in tow!
PS You can view the remainder of our session HERE.