What a difference a year makes! Unable to document her newborn photos because I had a newborn of my own on my hands, Ellen's mom, Jenni and I are having a ball comparing stories of what our girls are now doing. In between hilarious giggles, funny faces and the challenges of teething, Ellen was quite the happy camper at our morning session and the rain held off just long enough for us to get what we needed, marking her one-year milestone.

Jenni sings to Ellen all the time and Ellen has developed a love of Itsy Bitsy Spider and other fun melodies. We did a quick outfit swap as sprinkles were starting to drop around us. Thankfully, we got in these cuties just in time!

Jenni-Thank you so much for having me again! Ellen is such a doll and I am thankful that we can empathize with one another as we go through similar stages together. Happy to have you alongside for the ride!
PS You can view more of our time together HERE.