Ava: Newborn
All babies are miracles and many are answers to numerous prayers. Ava Rose's arrival was doused in prayer and she calmly made her appearance 4 weeks early without needing any support afterwards. Born at just 4lbs 4oz, she didn't need respiratory help and was able to go home on schedule. So when her mom contacted me to let me know they were home, but unable to take visitors, I completely understood the germ risk, the overstimulation risks etc and eagerly awaited the go-ahead to meet her with my camera in tow.

Ava has tipped the scales at over 5lbs now and it was really fun to see her wrinkles and hear her mama say she was getting "chunky"!! Even at 4 weeks of age, because of her size and premie status, after a good meal of mama's best, she was happy as a clam and we were able to change up a bunch of her headpieces for fun. I have to put in a plug for my source of some of these headpieces, specifically the one directly below. Tasha of k1sew2 created several hats, beanies and fun things for babies to wear during their newborn session. If you're searching for anything adorable for the baby in your life of any size, give her a holler!

Jen + Jason: Hard to imagine that 2 years ago, I photographed Jen's wedding dress on this very same bed! I love how things come full circle and now Ava's photos were captured in the same room where you prepped for your wedding day. She's adorable and did so well for us-thank you for the honor of documenting this special time in your lives.
Thankful she's here safe and healthy!
PS You can view more of Ava's session HERE.