Lindsay: Senior
When a student greets me with a firm handshake, I know I'm in for a treat. I'd never met Lindsay, but in our short time together, I know she's quite a special young lady with very fun interests. We met at McCombs Middle School, not because Lindsay attended there, but because the school shares facilities with DMACC and their animal/veterinary science classes. Lindsay's sweet friends were in the adjacent barn and we had a blast loving on them with treats for the start of our shoot:

We moved from the animal barn and stable area to the landscaping project zone that held one of Lindsay's latest projects-a back yard waterfall and pond. Nearby, we found some gorgeous light as the sun made its descent.

We moved the front of McCombs and captured the gorgeous light through the trees falling on a beautiful young lady:

Lindsay-It was a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you. Thank you for trusting a complete stranger to capture the best of you in documenting your senior year. Blessings as you pursue environmental science at Ellsworth!
All the best,
PS You can view the remainder of our session HERE.