Katie::Class of 2014
I had the fun of photographing her
three years ago (already?!) and I was really hopeful they'd hire me again to do Katie's when it came time. I'm not sure if she realizes it, but Katie is part of an amazing family--truly something special. Music directors would cut off their conducting right arm for supportive parents like her's and we will miss them greatly since they decided two children made their family complete, instead of, oh, say,
. (drat!) Without any further adieu, here's the last Campbell to go through Norwalk's Music Dept. (tear!)
See what I mean about supportive? Just wait to see what Annette does to help out later!
For those that know her, this is a total "Katie" face.
After using this spot, we hopped back in the truck for the next one and Katie's ears perked to the radio for the UNI football game score. She had taken off her UNI bracelet which is their goodluck charm for photos and she hoped she hadn't jinxed it. Double drat! They'd lost. But she was still able to put on a smile for me and sing along to the Panther Fight Song. I think this girl really does bleed purple and yellow (or is it gold?). Especially since Norwalk's colors are practically the same...
We then moved to Waterworks and tried to take advantage of the beautiful skyline while the sun was setting. This is where Annette lent a hand and held a reflector for me. :)
Wanting to study English and Graphic Design to work for a magazine some day, Katie would definitely be part of the Panther Marching Band since she's a huge part of the vocal and instrumental departments here at Norwalk already:
Musical, All-State, Jazz Choir (and Jazz Band when in season), Show Choir, NCYL and just about any challenging class you could imagine (AP Stats? Seriously!?)-Katie is an amazing young woman.
As the sun was setting we had some fun with the reflector again and Katie started working her Show Choir dance moves from last season-funny how, when put to music, you can really remember stuff better! Love these:
Katie-Thank you so much for the privilege of documenting your senior year! Let me rephrase: thank you for letting me document 90 minutes of your senior year, because heaven knows your mom & dad have the rest of it covered with their own cameras! I had a blast and Annette, seriously, you can be my reflector-holder any time.
See you on stage Ms. Katie!
PS You can view the rest of our session