The Last Thankful Thursday: A Little Late
I know, it's not Thursday, so you can consider me a little late, but I claim one excuse: something else was a little late too...
I've done the best I could to keep up with everything here, at home, at work, so that nothing would seem amiss or suspect. I kept up our normal routines of gym, Bible study, church, and photo sessions as best I could and we've been blessed by an easier-than-most first trimester. Energy levels definitely fluctuated (I think my earliest bedtime was 8:15), there were/are still some naseating moments, but as I told my uncle this weekend, "I haven't seen the inside of a toilet!"
Which brings me to answered prayers in these past 13 weeks that we are very thankful for:
*the ability to conceive
*that I've been able to work and maintain my photography sessions as scheduled
*that I haven't thrown up
*that I've been able to eat well and continue training at the gym (albeit with a slightly different agenda and thus, different tactics)
*that I was able to keep my mouth shut (Lord knows I'm not good at keeping secrets. My sister can definitely attest to that!)
*that we were able to tell my parents as face-to-face as was possible living 1800 miles apart. We found out our news on the last day they had access to Skype. Talk about perfect timing!
*that we were able to see and hear the heartbeat and get an audio recording. (Gerard thinks I have a train growing inside me. And judging by this photo, our child is already wielding a sword.)
*as long as all things go well, I will make it through the school year in its entirety. Again, talk about perfect timing!
We are comforted by the fact that God knows what He's doing, that he already knows every day of this Little One's life (Psalm 139) and that He will supply us with the grace we need to get through this to the best of our abilities. Please pray that I can give myself grace in my mental state, as I've had some doozies in the "Pregnancy Brain" category.
I started these Thankful Thursday posts well before we knew we were gaining a family member, but this seems to be the perfect wrap-up to the 11 weeks or so of these posts.
Thankful for all the blessings He's given us this year, His perfect timing, and an answer to a long-awaited prayer,
Carrie, Gerard (& Baby Krupke)