Melody + Garry + The Boys

Melody & Garry have the great fortune of having three great blessings: Chad, Michael and Travis. All were or currently are involved in Norwalk's music program. Melody & Garry are the kind of parents that teachers absolutely love to have-involved in their child's lives and volunteer when directors ask for help. They serve both the band and choral departments with enthusiasm and an awesome sense of humor that makes working with them really enjoyable.

See that sense of humor on the bottom-right? We had to show case some of that....

Their oldest, Chad, is currently at Drake and happily minoring in music, while Michael is a senior and in the decision process. We're not putting any pressure whatsoever on Travis just yet....:)

Gerard came along with me on this session and told the boys to give a "macho" face. This is what they gave me:

Garry & Melody were so cute in front of the camera, but the main mission of the our time together was family as whole and when Melody requested a photo of just her with the boys, I had to oblige. (Garry got in on the fun too.) :)

Garry& Melody-Thank you so much for a lovely morning and a very entertaining session. I'm sure you already know this, but you have a wonderful family and have done a great job raising these boys and helping them grow into young men. Thank you so much for your help whenever we, as directors, have needed you and for doing so with a cheerful attitude. It really is so appreciated.



PS You can view the rest of our time together



FamiliesCarrie KrupkeComment