Kristi + Justin:: A Family of 3
I first met Kristi and her adorable daughter, Mayleigh, at our church service and she had heard me speak at our church's Coffeehouse event. Needless to say, she knew way more about me than I did about her. When I made that point evident, she held nothing back. This was a woman after my own heart: open, honest, laid her heart bare within a few minutes & admitted to flaws in her past but also God's goodness. And Mayleigh is definitely part of His goodness.
Justin entered their lives shortly after Mayleigh's birth in a serious way and together, they created a family of three.
I've mainly gotten to know Justin through his use of sticks-drumsticks, that is. He's filled in as our worship band drummer several times and his slight of hand and ability to balance with the band is quite literally, music to this musician's ears. :)
Does Kristi not look like a mom who has a blast with her daughter on a daily basis?
The secret to some sessions is bribery and to get good photos of their kiddos, most moms aren't afraid to use these tactics. A handful of skittles, given one by one as incentives for lots and lots of smiles.
I'll end with my favorite from our time together. I love how the interaction in this family of three is playing out. Kristi-you're absolutely gorgeous!
Kristi & Justin-thank you so much for a wonderful time! You have an absolutely beautiful family and I'm ecstatic to be serving alongside you both. Mayleigh is darling and a joy to photograph. Thanks again!!
Many blessings,
PS You can view the remainder of our time together