Officer Krupke No More
Officer Master Krupke took the plunge and decided to "walk" in his graduation ceremony at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa this weekend. I'm feeling more like bullet-pointing our weekend, so here's how it all went down:
*attended the middle school's musical from 7-9:00pm on Friday night and after handing Ella over to our in-house dog-sitter, Tiffany (THANK YOU!) we hit the road for the 3 hour trek to Sioux City.
*We hit the pillow hard at the hotel and slept in Saturday morning.
*Taking our time to get ready, we checked out of said hotel and attended a laid back gathering which we'd hoped would give Gerard the opportunity to thank his online professors. None were there!
*With 2 hours to kill before the ceremony, we took pictures around campus:
*lunch with The Ronald
*a pseudo-senior portrait session-totally Gerard's style...
*when it was finally time to "suit up", Gerard proudly donned his gown and waited till the last minute for his cap. He didn't want to fight the cowlick it causes all the way home...
*due to Morningside's small size, the ceremony itself was lots shorter than either our Drake, Luther or high school experiences. The sun may have been bright and warm, but my fingernails were definitely blue in the shade. All in all, a beautiful day!
*in order to get warm, I started walking around the lawn in the back of the commons area. The thought occurred to me that if I could get Gerard's attention, I might get some cute photos. I called his phone-and true to form, his ringer was on. :) After a brief texting conversation, here are the results:
*finally time to WALK! It was at this time that I realized, I was the only one in the audience who
Gerard and would clap for him. But I also realized, I'd have a camera in my hand. Dilemma!
After three summers of hard work and fall semesters of balancing life, school and work at school...we got a well deserved 20oz cheesecake blizzard. All for him:
Congrats babe! Excited to see what this summer looks like WITHOUT classes!!