Nolan::9 months

He arrived completely covered in his car seat and totally zonked out. His cheeks slightly flushed, I couldn't wait till his lids would reveal his glassy blue eyes. But we decided to let him wake up on his own to ensure a happy, well rested Nolan. And he did NOT disappoint!
I love these first three expressions. As a photographer, you generally go for the smiles, but the expression on the far right is Nolan saying, "Hey, wassup? I'm just chillin', you?"
Love. These. Eyes.
Look at those cheeks and that look that says, "I know something you don't know...." :)
I love it when we can nail a family photo as easily as we did here!
Jason & Ann-you have made such a fine Little Man! I can't believe he is already NINE months--I'm really looking forward to marking his first year with you. Nolan is absolutely wonderful and adorable to photograph; thank you so much for having me back again. Returning clients are my most treasured compliment.

PS You can see the rest of our session HERE.