Life is Not...

Life is not about how many people follow your blog or how many comments you get per post.
It is not about how many people "like" your Facebook page. (Though I thoroughly appreciate my 100.)
It is not about getting booked for every wedding that I know of this year.

It is not about your husband's show choir getting to perform for the First Lady of the United States. (Though that is definitely cool and gives them bragging rights for, like, EVER.)
It is most definitely not about the money.

Life is doing what's right even when it's not popular.
It is taking 10 minutes to de-stress on the couch with your spouse after a rough day.
It is praying on your way to work.
It is taking a moment to snuggle with the Pup because she is starting to feel sorely neglected.
It is knowing you nailed the photo session and are producing beautiful art for your client.
It is serving those around you to the best of your ability.
It is inhaling deeply when you feel a flutter of stress on your heart, giving it to God as you exhale.
It is investing in young people's lives, so that if just one life is changed for the better, I will know the sacrifice is worth it.

It is taking risks, avoiding a sense of comfort, so that we can sit back in 10 years and say, "That was all GOD."

We will make it through February. We will. We will. We will! (but if you notice fewer posts this month, rest assured that we are alive and kicking. I'm just kicking a piano pedal down a lot and Gerard is performing show choir moves that I'm sure are involving kicks somehow too....)